Notice: Chuncheon Film Festival International Competition Section Announcement Postponement
2021-06-16 14:45
Notice: Chuncheon Film Festival International Competition Section Announcement Postponement
Dear participants.
For the first time this year, the 2021 Chuncheon Film Festival has opened
the ‘Competition: International Independent SF’ and ‘Competition: International Children and Youth’ sections
and received your elaborate works for the past three months.
The number of works submitted by the deadline on May 28th was beyond
our expectation with a total of 3012 works in the two sections.
At first, we were going to finish the screening procedure as scheduled, but we have decided
that it is better to postpone the announcement of the results for a more rigorous screening,
since it is the first internationally open competition of those sections.
The revised announcement date is as follows.
Previously: 18th June
Changed to: 28th June
As we have postponed the due date, we will do our utmost to select good works by screening more strictly and fairly.
We sincerely thank everyone who submitted valuable works and thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards,
Office of the 2021 Chuncheon Film Festival.
Dear participants.
For the first time this year, the 2021 Chuncheon Film Festival has opened
the ‘Competition: International Independent SF’ and ‘Competition: International Children and Youth’ sections
and received your elaborate works for the past three months.
The number of works submitted by the deadline on May 28th was beyond
our expectation with a total of 3012 works in the two sections.
At first, we were going to finish the screening procedure as scheduled, but we have decided
that it is better to postpone the announcement of the results for a more rigorous screening,
since it is the first internationally open competition of those sections.
The revised announcement date is as follows.
Previously: 18th June
Changed to: 28th June
As we have postponed the due date, we will do our utmost to select good works by screening more strictly and fairly.
We sincerely thank everyone who submitted valuable works and thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards,
Office of the 2021 Chuncheon Film Festival.
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